The simple rules of roulette

The rules are quite simple and roulette is one of the easiest games to learn. In some cases, this game is as easy as betting on whether a flipped coin will land on heads or tails. This game can be played with multiple people at a land based casino or on the internet.

Basically to start off, there are a few versions of roulette. Mostly commonly American and European. American roulette has an extra number called double zero or “00” in the wheel. This game dramatically reduces your odds so play on a European table. The rules of the game are simple, basically you buy chips and make bets on what number or color on a roulette wheel that the ball will land on.

First you place your chips on a table, which displays the numbers and what background color that number is on. Then the dealer or “croupier” will spin the roulette wheel, which is next to the betting table that the chips are on, and throw a ball into it. The ball will randomly bounce around on a rapidly spinning wheel and land in a slot, which contains both a color and a number.

You can either bet by colors, or whether the ball will land on black or red. You can bet on whether the ball will land on an odd or even number. You